
We offer £20,000 reward after Swindon teenager shot in the head

Wiltshire attempted murder appeal

We are offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information on the attempted murder of a teenage boy who was shot in the head in Swindon this April. 
The 17-year-old suffered life-changing injuries in the early hours of Monday 24 April 2023 when he was attacked on Odstock Road in Penhill. The victim was taken by air ambulance to John Radcliffe Hospital, where it was found he had suffered extensive wounds.
At 12.07am, CCTV shows five suspects travelling along Ramsbury Avenue on three electric bikes. Two of the bikes were carrying two people. They then made their way towards the victim where a sixth unknown suspect joined them at 12.18am. The emergency services were called shortly after this time to treat the victim.



*** Crimestoppers is independent of the police – we are supporting this investigation by offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information we exclusively receive which leads to the arrest and conviction of anyone linked to this incident. ***

“This is a truly awful case, which is why our charity has now become involved. We believe there are people who want to support the young victim, but going to the police is not an option. Were you there on the night or have you heard anything about what happened? Coming forward is never easy, but if you contact Crimestoppers, you can still make a difference whilst remaining completely anonymous.
“We are independent of the police and exist to give people the courage to speak up. Since we began in the late 1980s, we have always guaranteed anonymity. Protecting you is key to everything we do. You can tell Crimestoppers what you know and we’ll pass it on for you. Your information may help the victim and his family get the justice they deserve and you could also be eligible for a reward of up to £20,000.”
Beth Simpson, Crimestoppers Wiltshire Regional Manager

***Please Note: Information passed directly to police will not qualify for the reward. The reward will only qualify for information passed to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 number or via our website***

Please note: With Crimestoppers and Fearless, when you visit our websites, computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility. 
Claiming a reward:
The reward will only be payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers or Fearless and not to the police – a reward code must be asked for when calling us on 0800 555 111. 

If you contact us via our anonymous online form, the 'keeping in contact’ facility must be used and a reward code must be requested. You must log back in 24 hours later to get the code. You will be asked to check with us two months later with the reward code to see if there has been a positive result. Find out more details about the rewards process.

More stills of the suspects

Wiltshire attempted murder appeal - suspects 1
Wiltshire attempted murder appeal - suspects 2

Wiltshire attempted murder appeal - suspects 3
Wiltshire attempted murder appeal - suspects 4