
Whistleblowing: Bullying banter in the workplace is never ok

Whistleblowing: Discriminatory banter is never ok

With more focus than ever on wrongdoing in the workplace, it’s important to remember that so-called banter based on someone’s essential characteristics is discriminating and wrong. 

Inappropriate banter around gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or disability, can be extremely distressing for the victim and impact on their emotional and physical health and wellbeing. It can also affect the individual’s self-worth. 

A recent example of work done to highlight some of these issues includes the ‘Say maaate to a mate' campaign in London, designed to encourage men and boys to challenge sexist attitudes and damaging banter. 

For workplaces and workers to thrive, it’s crucial that discriminatory behaviour is prevented and dealt with when issues are raised. 

Our charity believes that people should be empowered to challenge bad behaviour by whistleblowing safely in the workplace. 

Crimestoppers offers a trusted way to speak up about anything that isn’t ok, or to raise the alarm about bad or criminal behaviour. We have decades of experience running Speak up and whistleblowing services in the workplace. 

Find out more.