Northern Ireland rural crime

Northern Ireland rural crime

Together we can tackle rural crime

Criminals can target isolated areas and hard-to-protect buildings. But, by appealing for more eyes and ears across the countryside, raising awareness of the signs of rural crime and urging the public to contact us anonymously, we can tackle those who seek to target the rural community in this way.

Together we can tackle rural crime. 

Working together to combat rural crime 

Information is the life-blood of many criminal investigations. It is often the process of piecing this together which leads to arrests and convictions.

Information from the public could lead to more arrests, charges and convictions.

Telephone calls to us are not recorded and phone numbers are not recorded or tracked. The online form is also totally anonymous, with no recording or tracking of internet sources.

So there is no way criminals can find out who has passed on information about them.

Typical rural crimes

The most common rural crimes are: 
  • Theft of farm equipment and machinery
  • Theft of quads and vehicles 
  • Livestock-related crimes