Cross-border campaigns

Cross-border campaigns

Visit our most wanted gallery

Increasingly, crime in other countries has an impact on the UK. Although we have no formal mandate to act outside this country, we go the extra mile to work on projects that can help to reduce crime in the UK.

Since we first launched Operation Captura in Spain back in 2006, we’ve introduced two more campaigns, Operation Return in the Netherlands and Operation Zygos in Cyprus, and we will continue working wherever criminals will hide. 

These campaigns are a perfect example of collaborative work. We work with UK-based law enforcement agencies to identify the Most Wanted subjects and the country they are suspected of hiding in. Then we set up overseas contacts and make our anonymous call facility available in that country.

Finally, we work on the communications strategy to generate maximum media coverage. The more people that know about the wanted individuals, the more likely we are to receive valuable information that could lead to their location, arrest and extradition to the UK. 

We would like to thank the public, who always respond so strongly to our international work. Like us, you remain committed to making sure your community is rid of these criminals.