Violence in Scotland

Violence in Scotland

Making important choices

It can feel hard to speak up if someone you know is carrying a weapon, but it’s harder to live with the consequences of them using it.

The vast majority of young people don't carry a weapon. For the small number that do, it can be devastating.

We talked to young people in the criminal justice system who have and this campaign is based on what they, and people who have experience of working with young people in conflict with the law, told us.

Some people say they carry for 'protection'.

Carrying a weapon, like a knife, makes you less safe - if you carry a knife, you’re more likely to get hurt. 

Everyone wants you to be safe. 

We understand you might feel scared and need protection, but there are better ways to do it. 

If you can talk to an adult you trust, reach out to them, or contact Childline on 0800 1111, by email, or through their online chat. 

If you're being bullied, you can get information and support from charity RespectMe.

Some people say they carry because it makes them feel powerful.

 A weapon is a dangerous object; while you might feel stronger, even unstoppable, it actually makes you more vulnerable.

Real power is having control over yourself and making good decisions for your future: carrying a weapon doesn’t let you do that. 

You can learn more about building confidence here: 

Mind: Confidence and self-esteem for 11-18 year olds and Samh: Help for children and young people.

Some people say they carry because it makes them feel part of something and there's nothing else to do.

Carrying a weapon isn’t normal – most young people don’t carry weapons – but if you’re carrying or thinking about it, there’s other things you can do. It doesn’t need to be this way. 

Try a local youth club, volunteer, chill with friends or stay in and watch a movie 

If home feels unsafe, talk to someone for support. Childline offers advice, and Routes - SFAD helps young people affected by alcohol or drug use in their family.  

Some people say they are forced to carry.

It’s never okay for anyone to ask you or force you to hold onto a weapon for them.  

Good friends would never ask you to do this because they know it could get you into trouble or hurt you. 

If you have an adult you trust, reach out to them and tell them what’s happening or contact Childline on 0800 1111, by email, or through their online chat. 

If someone is carrying a weapon, they need help and support. They need an intervention before everything gets worse. Good friends speak up and help each other to make good choices and stay safe. 

Young People

Young People

If you know who regularly carries a weapon, tell our charity here

100% anonymous. Always.

Nobody will ever know the information came from you.

We can’t track your phone number, email address or IP address. And we never take any other contact details or personal information about you.

There's other ways to be an active bystander.  

There's other ways to be an active bystander.  

Understand how to safely intervene in a situation when someone you know is carrying a weapon:

Young people - NKBL

Situations involving weapons can quickly get out of control.   

Situations involving weapons can quickly get out of control.   

In an emergency, ALWAYS call 999.



If you look after someone and you’re worried that they might be getting involved in violence or weapon possession, you can talk to Children First Support Line by calling them on 08000 28 22 33 or visit their website to browse their articles or start a webchat:

Children First Support Line

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

As a young person (under 18) you have special rights, that are listed in a document called the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child, or UNCRC.

These rights aim to help you to grow up in a spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom and equality.

This campaign supports the following Rights of the Child:

Article 12 – Children and young people have a right to be listened to and taken seriously.

Article 13 – Children and young people have a right to find out and share information.

Article 19 – Children and young people have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.

Article 39 – Children and young people have the right to be helped to recover.

Learn more about your rights

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