Our anonymity
You can report crime 100% anonymously using our online form
What does anonymous mean?
Anonymous means that your identity is completely unknown.
We know that it can be difficult to come forward with information. You might have seen or heard something about a crime, but don't know what to do, or you may be scared to give information.
We offer you a safe way to pass on any information you may have about a crime.
We are completely independent from the police.
We guarantee to young people, indeed everyone, that:
- You can give us information about crime without giving your name or any personal details.
- We will not ask for your gender or your age.
- We will not record any personal details you may mention.
- We cannot physically trace your phone number, email or IP address as our system is designed to protect your identity.
Private browsing options
When you use our anonymous online form, you may want to ensure that cookies/history for your browsing activity on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC are not stored. If so, you can choose to use private browsing. Click below for details of how to access private browsing, whichever browser you use.
Use Incognito browsing on Google Chrome (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
Turn on private browsing in Safari (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
Browse in private in Safari (iMac, MacBook)
Use Incognito browsing on Google Chrome (Android phones & tablets)
Use Incognito browsing on Google Chrome (PC, laptop, Android tablets, iPad)
Launch a private window on Mozilla Firefox (PC or laptop)
Start InPrivate window on Microsoft Edge (PC or laptop)
If you’re using a different browser - for instance UC Browser or Opera - whichever one it is, just look for the keywords ‘Incognito’ or ‘Private’ on any of their options to launch a new private window.
We hope that this gives you the confidence to trust our service and remove any fears you might have about telling us what you know about crime.
The only way anybody will know you contacted us, is if you tell somebody.
100% anonymous. Always.
We are not an emergency service, if you see a crime taking place you should ring 999 to report it immediately.

Fearless is a service that allows you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously. Anonymous means your identity is completely unknown.

Give information anonymously
Report a crime 100% anonymously by completing our online form or calling 0800 555 111

Youth support services
Access a selection of youth organisations who can offer further information, advice and support for whatever you're dealing with.