Harm and neglect

Harm and neglect

Home should be a safe place

Home should be a safe place

Home should always be a safe place, but for some young people they can experience harm or neglect there.  
We've joined forces with Barnardo’s Scotland to raise awareness of the signs and what you can do if you have information or concerns.

What are the signs of harm and neglect? 

The child or young person might: 

  1. Seem unclean or hungry.
  2. Be left alone at home for long periods of time.
  3. Have unexplained bruises or injuries. Seem withdrawn or depressed.
  4. Live with parents/carers who are often drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  5. Confide in you that they are being hurt or forced to do things against their will.

If you know or suspect WHO is hurting a child or young person please complete our anonymous online form and tell us the person/people’s name, address including town or city and full details of what is happening.

Victim of harm and neglect?

Victim of harm and neglect?

Our promise of anonymity means that we cannot take information from victims of crime.

If you are a young person experiencing harm or neglect, we strongly urge you to speak to a trusted adult or contact Childline on 0800 1111

In an emergency always call Police Scotland directly on 999

Useful organisations

Click on the links below to find organisations that can provide further information:

Every child should feel safe from harm

Barnardo’s provides a range of services to help and support families across the UK, working with organisations and professionals so that children get the best start in life. We have been supporting children and young people affected by sexual abuse for over 25 years through our specialist services in 45 locations across the UK. Whether in the home, at school, online or in the local community, we support children and young people who have been abused and help them feel safe again. 

Phone: 0800 1111 (24 hour service)

If you're a child or young person, ChildLine will listen to you and help you work out what to do next. You can also chat online

Phone: 0808 800 5000 (24 hour service)

If you're an adult and worried about a child, the NSPCC professional counsellors can give help, advice and support.

0800 160 1985 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm)

Gives free and confidential support, and practical help for victims and witnesses of crime. You can also search for victim support in your area for local help and advice. 

Advice for parents & professionals

Click on the links below to find organisations that can provide further information and also some useful resources:

 Call 08000 28 22 33 FREE or

Visit their website here

Working in partnership with The Scottish Government