Fearless Autumn

Fearless Autumn

Stay safe this autumn.

Fearless Autumn

As the leaves and temperatures fall and the dark nights draw in, it’s important to be able to stay safe and enjoy the autumn. 

Pro-Social Behaviour (PSB) will help you to do that. 

PSB is about living your life and behaving in a way that doesn’t cause upset, harm or distress to others. It’s when you play your part in making your community a better, more positive place to be. For everyone, including you. 

It can be big things like volunteering or donating to a local foodbank. 

It could be remembering that shouting and swearing in the street might scare others who don’t know you. 

It’s going to organised, public fireworks displays and not breaking the Law by buying fireworks underage and ending up hurting yourself or others. 

It’s understanding that some people find Halloween and Bonfire Night distressing and reducing the fear that they may feel. 

And NEVER setting fires or causing such terrible damage that could hurt people or even kill them. 

It’s about RESPECT, caring for others and remembering that your actions (however unintended) DO have consequences. 

Click on the links below to find out more: 

Positive activities to add to your list this autumn!

Get involved in local and national events

Complete our online form or call 0800 555 111 to tell us what you know about crime 100% anonymously. Anonymous means your identity is completely unknown. 

Pro-social behaviour

Pro-social behaviour

Remember, pro-social behaviour shows the people around you that you respect them. It means everyone can enjoy a happy, safe autumn.