

Be Fearless in Cardiff

About Kendra

About Kendra

I am a Fearless Outreach worker for Newport and Cardiff who aims to educate and inspire young people to make informed and safe decisions when it comes to crime.

Northern Irish born and bred, I moved to Cardiff to study law. Whilst at university I took an interest in criminal law, specifically sexual exploitation and FGM. Having worked with many young females in my previous position as a fitness coach I became increasingly aware of the dangers of exploitation and how vulnerable today’s youth were.  This sparked an interest in initiating positive change in society leading me to volunteer with Sexpression and further my work with St John Ambulance. This then unlocked a love for youth work which consequently led me to become a Youth Justice Worker in a Young Offenders Institute.

Knowing I could use this new found knowledge to help other young people not end up in this same position by being aware of matters such as grooming, exploitation, County Lines etc.. I  jumped at the chance to become a Fearless Outreach Worker so I could empower young people to make the right decision when it comes to crime.

Young People's Workshops provides free workshops and assemblies aimed at 11-18 year olds in a school or youth setting. These can be provided both in person and virtually. All topics can be delivered in 1 hour sessions. There is NO cost for our service, as we are fully funded. 

Sessions are fast paced, emotive and engaging; using a variety of media to deliver our safety messages. We are flexible and can adapt sessions to meet the needs of your young people, and can also run sessions at Welsh Median Schools, with a translator present. 

Please click below to find out more about Kendra’s sessions for young people:

  • What is Fearless?
  • Reporting crime
  • Challenging misconceptions and snitching
  • Society and responsibilty
  • How our Anonymous Reporting Service works and how to use it

This is also available as a 15 minute assembly.

  • What is County Lines? 
  • How might it affect you?
  • Grooming and recruitment
  • The impact and harm
  • Spotting the signs
  • Further help and advice

  • What is knife crime?
  • How might it affect you?
  • The dangers of carrying
  • The law and Joint Enterprise
  • The impact and harm
  • Spotting the signs
  • Further help and advice

  • What is hate crime?
  • What influences hate?
  • The impact of hate crime
  • What to do if you witness it
  • Spotting the signs
  • Further help and advice

  • Information on trending drugs such as Marijuana Edibles, Nitrous Oxide and emerging substances
  • Drug dealing and criminal exploitation
  • Spotting the signs
  • Further help and advice

Professionals' Sessions

Fearless provides free awareness sessions to professionals who work with young people. These can be provided both in person and virtually. There is NO cost for our service, as we are fully funded. These sessions can also be delivered to parents\carers. 

Please click below to find out more about Kendra’s sessions for professionals:

  • What is Crimestoppers?
  • What is Fearless?
  • How our Anonymous Reporting Service works
  • How to refer our service to young people
  • Our outreach work
  • Our educational resources 

  • What is County Lines?
  • How it operates
  • Grooming and recruitment
  • County Lines during Covid-19
  • How to spot the signs
  • Signposting to further help 

  • What is knife crime?
  • Dangers of carrying
  • The law
  • Joint Enterprise
  • Impact of knife crime
  • How to spot the signs
  • Links to further information 

  • What influences hate?
  • What is a hate crime?
  • Hate crime regionally
  • The impact on victims & society
  • How to report a hate crime
  • Links to further information 

  • Information on trending drugs such as Marijuana Edibles, Nitrous Oxide and emerging substances
  • Drug dealing and criminal exploitation
  • Spotting the signs
  • Links to further information 

  • What is extremism and radicalisation?
  • What influences hate?
  • The current political climate
  • The signs and symbols of extremism 
  • Recruitment, radicalisation and grooming
  • How to report extremism
  • Links to further information 
How to book

How to book

If you would like further information or to book some sessions please contact:

Kendra Ross - Fearless Outreach Worker for Cardiff & Newport

Fearless in Cardiff and Newport is currently funded and supported by the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, a partnership of passionate people from an alliance of organisations working together to prevent all forms of violence across Wales