
What starts off as a bonfire can sometimes get out of hand and lead to people and animals getting hurt. That’s why it’s important to follow advice from the Scottish SPCA and SFRS.

Remember - it’s an offence to light a fire in a public place to endanger a person or property or cause fear or annoyance. 

When the Fire Service get called out to a deliberate fire, it means they can be delayed getting to other emergencies. That could make the difference between life or death.

Positive Action

Report any big build-up of rubbish or fly-tipping to your local authority or community fire station. This will help ensure it can be removed and prevent fires.

Be Fearless

If you know or suspect who is misusing fireworks or starting deliberate fires, you can do the right thing by speaking up to our charity 100% anonymously HERE 

We can’t track your IP address or any contact details.


Find out more about staying safe this autumn here