Child Financial Exploitation (CFE)
What is Child Financial Exploitation?
Child Financial Exploitation, sometimes referred to as 'money muling', is the term used to describe the action of using a young person’s bank account to move money obtained from illegal sources.
Through the process of money laundering, criminals will introduce the proceeds of their crimes into the banking system as a way of attempting to disguise its origin, making it appear as though it has come from a legitimate source.
Laundering the proceeds of crime is a criminal offence under The Proceeds of Crime Act (2002) and carries a maximum prison sentence of up to 14 years.
Spot the Signs
Watch Gabi's story below to find out about the signs to spot:

Whilst most young people who are financially exploited will not realise they have transferred money generated from criminal activity through their account, doing so could lead to a number of consequences, including:
- Bank account being frozen, unable to open another account.
- Unable to get a phone contract or other loans.
- Unable to apply for student finance with no bank account.
- Difficulty getting a job with no bank account.
- Criminal conviction - laundering the proceeds of crime.

Victim of financial exploitation?
As Fearless is 100% anonymous, we are unable to take reports from victims of crime.
If you are being financially exploited it’s really important that you talk to a parent/guardian, an adult you trust or report it to the police.
You can also get more information, support and advice from the organisations listed on our youth support services page.

Fearless is a service that allows you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously. Anonymous means your identity is completely unknown.

Give information anonymously
Report a crime 100% anonymously by completing our online form or calling 0800 555 111

Youth support services
Access a selection of youth organisations who can offer further information, advice and support for whatever you're dealing with.