Running the Lines

Running the Lines

A Fearless original film

Running the Lines

Groomed and exploited - Evan is being exploited and has been forced to move drugs. his friend Jaime knows something is wrong - what should he do? 

Have you seen ‘Running the Lines’ ?  This short Fearless film, made in Wales, raises awareness of how ‘County Lines’ drug gangs exploit young people to sell drugs. The story follows Evan who is groomed, exploited and threatened into becoming a drug runner for a London-based organised crime group.

Whilst Running the Lines is fiction, what happens to Evan is happening to other young people up and down the UK. Learn more about County Lines and speak up if you’re worried your friends may be involved. 

Watch the film

Please note: This film contains references to drug dealing, threats of violence and contains knife imagery. Please consider this when deciding if this film is suitable for your intended audience.

Cymraeg? Prefer to watch it in Welsh? Ewch i'n sianel YouTube i wylio'r ffilm yn Gymraeg – yma

Sophie's Story 

Sophie's Story is the follow up film to Running the Lines.

Sophie, who features in the running the lines film, tells her story and discusses the impact of exploitation, not just on her but on her relationships with friends and family too.

NB: Running the Lines and Sophie’s Story are both fictional films. They are inspired by accounts of real-life County Lines cases.

County Lines

County Lines

County Lines is a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of deal line.

To learn more about county lines please visit our crime types explained page.

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