Fearless in Merseyside

Fearless in Merseyside

Campaign launched in Merseyside

Everyone deserves to feel safe where they live, and we can all do our bit to make that possible.

Got info about a crime? Speak up to help keep Merseyside safe.


100% anonymous. Always. 

We have an anonymity promise. That means, if you choose to pass on information to us, we’ll never ask for your name, age, or any other personal details. No one will ever know that you contacted us.

 Got info about a crime? #BeFearless and tell us what you know.

 Call 0800 555 111 and speak to one of our friendly team, or go to our online form:


Victim of crime?

Victim of crime?

Because of our promise of anonymity, we cannot take, respond to or pass on information from victims of the crime. 

To report being a victim of online crime, or if you are concerned about someone – please contact the Police on 101. In an emergency ALWAYS call 999.