New resources launched

New resources launched

Fearless have launched three new resources to raise awareness amongst professionals of County Lines, knife crime and drugs and alcohol.

New resources for professionals

Supported and funded by the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner and the Kent and Medway Violence Reduction Unit, Fearless have launched a series of new resources to raise awareness amongst professionals of three different crime types affecting young people. 

In addition to the new resources, we have updated and refreshed our Snitching and the Bystander Approach resource. 

The resources also raise the profile of Fearless and the option young people have to give information about crime 100% anonymously. 

Free to download

Click on the links below to download your FREE copy of these new resources.

County Lines resource

County Lines resource

This resource has been produced for professionals working with young people throughout the UK. It provides information about County Lines including the signs to spot, a glossary of terms and information on the grooming process.

Download resource

Knife crime resource

Knife crime resource

This resource has been produced for professionals working with young people throughout the UK. It provides information about knife crime such as the law, including joint enterprise and stop & search. It also covers information on why young people may carry knives and combats some myths.

Download resource

Drugs and alcohol resource

Drugs and alcohol resource

This resource has been produced for professionals working with young people throughout the UK. It provides information about drugs and alcohol including the law, drug classification, effects of drugs, as well as clarification on cannabis edibles and nitrous oxide.

Download resource

Snitching and the Bystander Approach

Snitching and the Bystander Approach

This resource provides information about, discusses the barriers to reporting crime including myths around snitching and also information on the Bystander Approach and how you can talk to young people about being an active bystander.

Download resource

With thanks to the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner and the Kent and Medway Violence Reduction unit for funding this work.