Child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour

Child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour

New resource launched to raise awareness of child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour

Download our FREE resource

Child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour

The Home Office - Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Unit along with Fearless are working together to launch a targeted campaign to raise awareness amongst professionals of child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour and to raise the profile of the anonymous reporting service that Fearless provides.

As part of this campaign a new resource on CSA and HSB for professionals working with young people throughout the UK has been produced and is FREE to download. 

The resource provides information about child sexual abuse and exploitation as well as harmful sexual behaviour. It includes definitions, advice on how to spot the signs, and guidance to support young people affected by sexual harms. Professionals can use this resource to help discuss young people’s perceptions, stimulate debate and encourage conversation around each harm type and reporting.

Anyone who attends one of the Fearless information sessions in February 2024 and completes our evaluation form will also receive a FREE hard copy of the resource. 

Sessions will focus on What is Fearless? Breaking down the barriers to reporting crime, and an introduction to our new resource on child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour.

What is Child Sexual Abuse?

"Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware it is happening". 

- - Working together to Safeguard Children

What is Harmful Sexual Behaviour?

"Sexual behaviours expressed by children and young people under the age 18 years old that are developmentally inappropriate, may be harmful towards self or others, or abusive towards another child, young person or adult".

- Hackett 2014

What is Fearless?

Fearless is the dedicated youth service of the independent charity Crimestoppers. We provide young people with the opportunity to give information about crime 100% anonymously.

Download our FREE resource

Download our FREE resource

This resource has been produced for professionals working with young people throughout the UK. 

It provides information about child sexual abuse and exploitation as well as harmful sexual behaviour. It includes definitions, advice on how to spot the signs, and guidance to support young people affected by sexual harms. 

English Booklet      Welsh Booklet

Attend one of our FREE information session to learn more about Fearless

Attend one of our FREE information session to learn more about Fearless

Sessions will focus on What is Fearless? Breaking down the barriers to reporting crime, and an introduction to our new resource on child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour.

Click the link below to sign up and learn more

Registration for the sessions has now closed