Trespassing - + Scotland

Trespassing -

Working in partnership with Network Rail to keep young people safe on the railways

In 2019/20 there were 735 incidences of trespassing in Scotland reported
This caused 50,025 minutes of disruption to commuters
and cost over £1.8 million to Network Rail


Trespassing on the railway tracks can be, and often is, fatal. 

For this reason, when Network Rail are notified of trespassers, all trains in the area must be stopped to ensure that everyone is kept safe.

Trespassing and vandalism are criminal offences and you could face a £1000 fine.

 Did you know?

  • The overhead lines have electricity flowing through them at all times and are NEVER switched off. 
  • The power running through overhead railway lines is 100 times stronger than your supply at home.
  • You don’t have to touch the overhead lines to get electrocuted. If you fly a kite or dangle things from bridges, the electricity can jump up to 3 metres.
  • If someone is injured – don’t put yourself in danger, call 999 immediately.

Staying safe on the railways

For more information about the dangers of the railways and real life stories, visit 

You vs Train 

This campaign is supported by Network Rail