Give information anonymously
Your anonymity is 100% guaranteed. We are not interested in who you are, only what you know so the more detail you give us the better. We really appreciate your time and help.
Who and what
Please give details of the individual in question, including name and address.
This information is required
Please provide a brief description of the activity they are involved in.
This information is required
If an attack is being planned, please tell us what you know, including the names and details of any accomplices.
Please describe any security measures at the addresses mentioned (these may include dogs, reinforced doors or CCTV cameras).
Please provide details of any weapons, either conventional or improvised, the individual in question has access to.
What cause does the individual in question follow? If you don’t know the name of it, which religion or political view do they support?
This information is required
How do they connect with other individuals engaged in similar activities? Please give the name of any website or place of worship where they might meet.
Please provide any information you may have about how the individual in question was recruited and/or how they recruit others.
Other than their home address, do they have access to any safe houses? If so, please give details, including an address if possible.
Extra information
Was this individual born in the UK?
Please give details of any vehicles used by the individual in question.
Please provide any unique reference numbers for the individual.
Please provide any phone numbers or social media details used by the people you have mentioned.
Please give details of any employment or education the individuals mentioned may attend.
Please describe all individuals mentioned.
This information is required