Domestic abuse campaign - #YouAreNotPowerless


This campaign was supported by the Home Office, Refuge, Respect, Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA), Hestia and Neighbourhood Watch

Two women are killed each week by a current or former partner, and it is estimated that a typical victim of domestic abuse endures up to 35 assaults before speaking up. 

To raise awareness of this crime type, in September 2020 Crimestoppers launched a six-week social media campaign with the support of the Home Office, Refuge, Respect, Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA), Hestia and Neighbourhood Watch.

Shifting our focus every two weeks to target different audiences, the campaign aimed to educate the general public and employers about the signs to spot of domestic abuse, and to promote self-reflection amongst our digital audiences who may have had concerns about their behaviour.

As well as social media messaging and printable materials, the campaign also featured guest blog posts from relevant voices, including Director of Operations at Refuge Jane Keeper, Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales Nicole Jacobs, Head of UK SAYS NO MORE at Hestia Lyndsey Dearlove and CEO of EIDA Lorraine O’Brien.

The first week of the campaign saw a 29.5% increase in reports received, with social media content garnering 4,894,385 impressions throughout the duration of the campaign.

Click here to watch the journey of this campaign from research to results.