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You can tell us the names of those rioting & stay 100% anonymous

You can help keep your community safe from violence by telling our charity anonymously the names of people involved in the riots on our streets that have caused so much harm and destruction.

Gloved hand smashing window

Crimestoppers is not part of the police. We take crime information – here on our website and on the phone via 0800 555 111 – and pass it on for you, whilst guaranteeing you’ll stay completely anonymous.

Our charity never asks for your personal details, just what you know about crime. This means no police contact, no witness statement and no courts.

do you have information about crime? tap or click here for our quick & easy online form

High call volumes

We are experiencing very high call and online volumes due to the recent riots.

Thank you to everyone – in their thousands – who has taken the time and trouble to contact us.

To allow our dedicated civilian call agents to help as many people as possible, please be patient at this busy time It may take slightly longer than usual, but your information is very important to us.

As ever, Crimestoppers is here for you to speak up about other crimes too.

Your information can make a difference

There is no place for violence in our society.

The scenes of violence, hate crime and racial intimidation, attacks on people’s homes and businesses, windows smashed, properties set on fire – all this combines to instil fear and worry. It harms communities.

Your information could make a real difference and help keep our communities safe.

do you have information about crime? tap or click here for our quick & easy online form