
Lancashire: £20,000 reward to help catch killer of loving retired mum

Lancashire: £20,000 reward to help catch killer of loving retired mum

The children of a retired mum, Valerie Kneale from Lancashire, have backed our charity reward appeal to help ensure her murderer faces justice. 

Valerie died on 16 November 2018 whilst she was a patient on the Stroke Unit at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. A post-mortem examination found that she had died from a haemorrhage caused by a `non-medical related internal injury’. 

 This prompted the police to launch a full murder investigation. A dedicated team has conducted lengthy enquiries into her death with many witness statements taken. There have also been extensive forensic analysis and medical reviews. 
Our charity is supporting the investigation by offering up to £20,000 for anonymous information we exclusively receive that leads to the conviction of Valerie Kneale’s murderer.
“Whilst four years may have passed, our thoughts are very much with Valerie’s family and friends who remain desperate for answers as to exactly what happened.

“Valerie was a patient in hospital undergoing important medical treatment when she endured an horrific attack which ultimately led to her death. We believe there are people who know what happened or have suspicions.

“Crimestoppers is here to help make all our communities safe by giving people a way to speak up about crime, completely anonymously. You can talk to us with no comeback. That means we never ask for or store any of your personal details.

“If you know something, even if you think it’s insignificant, what you know could make a positive difference. Please call our UK Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week or use our website’s simple and secure anonymous online form. We cannot trace your call or track your IP address and we never ask for or record any personal information. No one will ever know you contacted us.”
Gary Murray, Crimestoppers North West Regional Manager
Crimestoppers guarantees complete anonymity, meaning that people who call or contact us online can pass on what they know without ever giving any personal details. Computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility. 
Claiming a reward:
Whilst the overwhelming majority of people who contact Crimestoppers do so without asking for a reward, the £20,000 offer is available to encourage someone with vital information to come forward, anonymously. 

The reward will only be payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers and not to the police. A reward code must be asked for when calling our charity on 0800 555 111. If you contact Crimestoppers via the anonymous online form, the 'keeping in contact’ facility must be used and a reward code must be requested. You must log back in 24 hours later to get the code. You will be asked to check with Crimestoppers two months later with the reward code to see if there has been a positive result.  More details about the rewards process – at the heart of which is ensuring you stay 100% anonymous - can be found here