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Violence and drug crime in Birmingham targeted in new campaign

Drug and violence reduction campaign in Birmingham

We are highlighting the harm and violence brought by criminal gangs who are selling drugs across Birmingham. 

The campaign which launched this month, is part of a wider Birmingham violence reduction three-month project, sponsored by Birmingham Violence Reduction Partnership and West Midlands Police. 

Criminal gangs exploit vulnerable people. The campaign is highlighting the associated crime that illegal drug dealing brings, including violence, robbery, burglary, theft and wider anti-social behaviour, which all damage local communities.
Any suspicions about organised drug crime, associated crimes and concerns about victims, can be reported to Crimestoppers 100% anonymously at any time by calling freephone 0800 555 111 or by completing a secure online form. Alternatively, information can be given via the charity’s service for young people.

Fearless, the youth service of Crimestoppers, offers young people non-judgemental advice so they can make informed decisions about lifestyle choices and realise that they have an alternative option when reporting crime.
Anybody can get caught up in illegal, harmful drug activity. Signs to spot that something may not be right include:
-        Changes in the way young people you know might dress and unexplained,  
          sometimes unaffordable, new clothes, jewellery, phones, cars etc 
-         Access to multiple phones/receiving excess phone calls or texts
-         You witness them dealing drugs

Criminals can take over a home or short term let as a drugs base; this is known as ‘cuckooing’. Signs of this can include:
-           Regular short stay visitors 
-           Residents or young people going missing, maybe for long periods of time
-           Curtains often always closed during the day
-           A change of resident's mood/demeanour (e.g. secretive/withdrawn/aggressive/  
-           Unusual frequency of take away food 
-           Increase in rubbish/drug paraphernalia

Alan Edwards, Crimestoppers West Midlands Regional Manager: “We know  that many lives are lost and families are left devasted because of the violence associated with drug crime. It’s only by individuals taking the brave step of reporting what they know that we can see a reduction in the pain caused. This can be done 100% anonymously via Crimestoppers or our Fearless service for young people. Our charity exists for people who do not wish to speak to the police. 

“Crimestoppers has always kept its promise of anonymity to the thousands of people who contact us daily. If you know who is involved in drug crime or orchestrating a drug gang, please tell us. Only you will know you contacted our charity. 

“We don’t want to know who you are, just what you know. We won’t ask your name or take any personal details. We’ll just listen and pass on your information. Things to note and pass on include: names and/or nicknames; descriptions of those involved and any distinguishing features such as tattoos; addresses, transport used, ie, a car - a car’s make, model and registration.

“Crimestoppers can be contacted 24/7 to report crime anonymously by calling freephone 0800 555 111 or by completing a Crimestoppers simple online form or via for young people.”

Please note: With Crimestoppers and Fearless, computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls to Crimestoppers via freephone 0800 555 111, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.