
Crimestoppers volunteer runs London Marathon to raise awareness of domestic abuse

Jonathan HamillJonathan Hamill, volunteer for Crimestoppers and Advisory Board member representing the North East of England, ran the London Marathon 2023 to fundraise for Crimestoppers and raise awareness of domestic abuse. Here is his story...

I was due to run the London Marathon for Crimestoppers in 2020, but the Covid pandemic struck, postponing the event, which then ran for elite participants only. 

Undeterred, I set up a lockdown garden run - 'The Home Run' – which was 5 km, consisting of many laps of my garden as part of the London Marathon's #TwoPointSixChallenge. I encouraged others to join in and do something similar, like 2.6 miles or 26 laps of their garden, in support of this initiative.

I then decided to expand my ‘home run’ to a 26 bridge challenge. I’m so grateful to those who participated and nominated. I was pleased to complete this challenge, and ran over 26 of my local bridges.

The reason behind this all was to raise awareness of the issue of domestic abuse, in support of a Crimestoppers campaign in the North East, and to publicise what Crimestoppers does to make our communities safer.

As an independent charity which has helped millions of people over the years, Crimestoppers asks those with concerns or information about a crime to pass on what they know whilst staying 100% anonymous. Always.

In 2021, charity places for the London Marathon were limited, so I deferred to 2022 – but disaster struck. Early one morning, on a trail run in the dark, I fell badly and broke my ribs, meaning a stop to all running.

Jonathan, runnin in London for CrimestoppersFast forward to 2023: I finally ran the London Marathon! I've run a fair few ultramarathons, usually on trails, so a road marathon after my 'ultramarathon to couch’ programme tested me!

I've volunteered for Crimestoppers for several years, and am an Advisory Board member representing the North East of England. I passionately believe in Crimestoppers because through the charity’s work, communities are safer, and every aspect of society is benefited. In particular, we endeavour to help the next generation through our Fearless brand, which provides young people with non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality, and a safe place to give information to us about crime, 100% anonymously.